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Getting Land And Mineral Owners A Seat At The Table 

About WLMOA 

The purpose of the Wyoming Mineral Owners Association is to provide an avenue for land and mineral owners to protect their mineral and surface rights and to give land and mineral owners a voice in the state of Wyoming. The Association plans to accomplish this through education and advocacy. Without a united front from the mineral owners of Wyoming, we will once again be left behind by a powerful and united industry. No other recent issue has made the need for unity more clear than the loophole in the permitting system that allows oil and gas operators to artificially steal value away from mineral owners.

We are working to make land and mineral owners’ voices heard in the development of Wyoming’s resources.

Land and mineral owners are stakeholders in Wyoming’s petroleum industry. Private surface and mineral property rights are an important part of the orderly extraction of oil and gas.

Together we can ensure that all stakeholders in Wyoming’s mineral development have a seat at the table as rules are being made by the Wyoming legislature and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Balancing Your Mineral Rights With The Need To Drill 

"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu."

Michael Enzi

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